Life & Career Coaching | Ages 18-25

Let’s discover what
 lights you up. 
Your 20s are full of possibilities: new choices, exciting opportunities
Life and career coaching for young adults ages 18-25
Your 20s are full of possibilities:
new choices, exciting opportunities

And with that, often a bit of confusion about whether your decisions are the right ones.

Whether you’re diving into college, starting your first job, or thinking about changing careers, figuring out your path can feel like a lot. Coaching gives you the space to hit pause, explore your options, and focus on what really matters to you.
Together, we’ll look at what lights you up—what kind of work makes you feel alive, purposeful, and allows you to do your best work.
From there, we’ll explore your values and help you identify what to look for in a company, so you can make choices that feel right. Let’s get curious about your future and make it something you’re
excited about!

Stories From Young Adults & Parents

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Colleen's Approach

Supporting others to discover the approach to work that makes them come more fully alive is an absolute JOY! Everyone deserves to feel good about the work they do.
I believe in starting slow to go fast—taking the time to really understand why you’ve stepped into coaching and what you’re looking to achieve. We’ll dive into understanding what lights you up, what might be holding you back, and figure out what can fuel your success. My coaching is grounded in trust, curiosity, and the belief that you are smarter, braver, and more capable than you might think.
I strive to ensure you leave every session feeling capable to take on the rest of your week. Together, we’ll make the tough stuff less scary and the good stuff even better.

Colleen McKay - youth coach in Chilliwack BC

Tools We Use to Discover Work That Doesn’t Suck

Working Genius

Working Genius

I know there’s work out there for you that doesn’t suck and even brings you great JOY! This is a great tool to help guide your self-discovery.
Sparketype Assessment

Sparketype Assessment

Discover your spark! The Sparketype assessment helps you to make decisions you’re excited about in your life and career.
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Questions I get from young adults & parents:

Young Adults

In our 1:1 sessions, we’ll explore where you’re at in your journey—whether it’s finding your dream career or identifying company cultures that align with who you are. I’m here to help you find what type of work lights you up and allows you to do your best work.


Using tools like the Working Genius model and the Sparketype Assessment, we’ll dive deep into what makes you tick, and how you can use that knowledge to make decisions you’re excited about in your life and career.

We’ll kick things off with a 6-session coaching package.


Our first session—around 75 minutes—gives us lots of time to set goals and get to know each other. The next five sessions are 50-60 minutes each, all done over Zoom.


We’ll aim to wrap up the 6 sessions within 12 weeks. And if you ever need a quick check-in or have a question between sessions, I’m just a text or email away.

Career counselling often focuses specifically on job searches, resumes, and career placement. Coaching takes a more holistic approach, looking at the whole you—your goals, values, and what excites you. We’ll look beyond just “what job do you want” and explore what type of work feels meaningful to you.

That’s completely okay! Coaching is especially helpful when you’re feeling uncertain or stuck. You don’t need to have everything figured out to start—actually, that’s the point of coaching. Through our sessions, you’ll learn more about yourself, discover new possibilities, and start to see a path forward that feels right for you. It’s all about helping you find your way, at your own pace, withour any pressure to have the answers right away.


Coaching creates a space for your child to explore their career goals, and develop their self-awareness, confidence, and decision-making skills. It provides a structured, supportive space where they can learn more about themselves without pressure. The skills they learn in coaching will help them make more informed decisions and take ownership of their future.

Coaching sessions are private and confidential, allowing your child to explore their thoughts and feelings openly. While the specifics of the sessions remain confidential, you’ll likely see positive changes in their mindset and how they approach life’s decisions. Colleen can provide general updates on progress, focusing on the positive changes your child is making and how they’re engaging with the process. She also wants to hear from you, as a key supporter in their life.

You’ll notice coaching is working when your child starts taking more initiative, makes decisions with more confidence, and begins to articulate their goals and challenges more clearly.

Still wondering how coaching fits into your journey?

Dive deeper into the world of coaching and get all your questions answered.

Coaching quote - Success means having fewer and fewer regrets
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Whether you’re a parent looking to provide your child with additional support or a young adult ready to take charge of your life, I’m here to help.